Author: Ms. C. Thompson ~ Meter: Alternate tune Gazing on the Lord in glory, While our hearts in worship bow, There we read the wondrous story Of the cross — it’s shame and woe. Every mark of dark dishonour Heaped upon the thorn-crown’d brow, All the depths of Thy heart’s sorrow Told in answering…
Author: Gilbert Lewis
O Lord, Thou Now Art Seated
Author: J.G. Deck ~ Meter: 7.6. O Lord! Thou now art seated, Above the heavens, on high, (The gracious work completed, For which Thou cam’st to die); To Thee our hearts are lifted, While pilgrims wandering here, For Thou alone art gifted Our every weight to bear. We know, Lord, Thou hast bought us, And…
Jesus, Thou Alone Art Worthy
Author: Mrs. J.A. Trench ~ Meter: Jesus, Thou alone art worthy Ceaseless praises to receive; For Thy love and grace and goodness Rise o’er all our thoughts conceive. With adoring hearts, we render Honour to Thy precious name, Overflowing with Thy mercies, Far and wide Thy worth proclaim. Praise Him! praise Him! praise the…
Our Pilgrimage and His Rest – W. T. Turpin
Reading by D. Wandelt Click the links below to access the audio Chapter 1: Cleansing and Communion (John 13) Chapter 2: The Garden of Herbs and the Cared-for Land (Psalm 84) Chapter 3: A Threefold Cord (John 14:16-31) Entire Book You may also download a PDF Copy of the reading below:
Oh, Bright and Blessed Scenes
J. N. Darby ~ S.M. Oh bright and blessed scenes! Where sin can never come, Whose sight our longing spirit weans From earth where yet we roam. And can we call our home Our Father’s house on high, The rest of God our rest to come, Our place of liberty? Yes! in that light unstained,…
How Wondrous the Glories That Meet
Hawker ~ How wondrous the glories that meet In Jesus, and from His face shine, His love is eternal and sweet, ‘Tis human, ’tis also divine! His glory — not only God’s Son— In manhood He had His full part— And the union of both joined in one Form the fountain of love in…
Son of God With Joy We Praise Thee
Tregelles ~ 8.7. Son of God! with joy we praise Thee, On the Father’s throne above; All Thy wondrous work displays Thee, Full of grace and full of love! Lord, Accept our adoration — For our sins Thou once wast slain; Through Thy blood we have salvation; Soon shall share Thine endless reign. God, in…
How Good is the God We Adore
Hart ~ 8s. How good is the God we adore, Our faithful, unchangeable Friend, Whose love is as great as His power, And knows neither measure nor end. ‘Tis Jesus, the First and the Last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home; We’ll praise Him for all that is past, And trust Him for all…
May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour
John Newton ~ Meter: May the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father’s boundless love, With the Holy Spirit’s favour, Rest upon us from above! Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess in sweet communion, Joys which earth can ne’er afford.
On Calvary We’ve Adoring Stood
Author: J.G. Deck ~ Meter: P.M. On Calvary we’ve adoring stood, And gazed on that wondrous cross, Where the holy, spotless Lamb of God Was slain in His love for us; How our hearts have stirred at that solemn cry, While the sun was enrapt in night, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” Most blessed, most awful…