J. G. Deck ~ How blessed is our portion! when we lookUpward, within the veil, our life is there:Our names are written in the Lamb’s own book,For grace hath made us each with Him an heirOf all those glories which by right belongTo Him, whose worthiness is heaven’s eternal song. We have a Father…
Author: Gilbert Lewis
‘Twas On That Night Of Deepest Woe
G. W. Frazer ~ ‘Twas on that night of deepest woe,When darkness round did thicken,When through deep waters Thou didst go,And for our sins wast stricken;Thou, Lord, didst seek that we should beWith grateful hearts rememb’ring Thee How deep the sorrow, who can tell,Which was for us endured?O love divine, which broke the spellWhich…
We Are But Strangers Here
Thomas R. Taylor ~ We are but strangers here;Heaven is our home!Earth in a desert drear;Heaven is our home!Dangers and sorrows standRound us on every hand;Heaven is our fatherland,Heaven is our home! What thought the tempest rage,Heaven is our home!Short is our pilgrimage;Heaven is our home!This life’s wild wintry blastSoon will be overpast;We shall…
We Bless Our Saviour’s Name
J. G. Deck ~ S.M. We bless our Saviour’s name,Our sins are all forgiven;To suffer once to earth He came:He now is crowned in heaven. Lord let us ne’er forgetThy rich, Thy precious love;Our theme of joy and wonder here,Our endless song above. O let Thy love constrainOur souls to cleave to Thee!And ever in…
When Things Are Failing
A. C. Brown *Page updated: Please see the note added at the foot of the page. I. Introduction – Judges 2:10, 17 “…And there arose another generation after them, which knew not Jehovah, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel…they turned quickly out of the way that their fathers had walked in.”…
La Verdadera Gracia de Dios
“La verdadera gracia de Dios, en la cual estáis” (1 Pedro 5:12). Dios nos concede conocerle como el Dios de toda gracia, y que la posición en la que hemos sido puestos es la de haber gustado que el Señor es benigno (1ª Pedro 5:12; 2:3). ¡Qué difícil es para nosotros creer esto, que “el…
Bible Study on Ephesians 4:1-3
Comments from various brothers on Chapter 4 of Ephesians I. Verses 1-2 “I, the prisoner in [the] Lord, exhort you, therefore, to walk worthy of the calling wherewith ye have been called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love.” Introduction, and the Walk Associated with the Calling The Heavenly…
Preface to the Little Flock Hymnbook, 1881 Edition
Written by J. N. Darby A new edition of this Hymn Book being required, the present editor was asked by the publisher to take charge of it. Of course the responsibility of its new contents and form must rest with him; but as it was meant for all, he took counsel with brethren in various…
Himnos del Himnario Mensajes del Amor de Dios
Para ver la letra y la música de estos himnos, visten esta página AVISO: El himnario Mensajes del Amor de Dios consta de 3 himnarios que fueron traducidos del inglés al español. Debido a esto, se encuentran himnos aptos para distintas ocasiones. Se recomienda leer la introducción del himnario Little Flock escrito por J. N….
Efesios 1
Un mensaje dado por Eric Smith (la interpretación al español por G. Lewis) I. La lectura y la introducción II. La elección y las bendiciones espirituales “Mucho antes de que Dios dejara caer una piedra en su lugar, ya estaba amando a este indio llamado Narciso.” Narciso Chilaca La santidad = El excluir de mi…