Author: J.G. Deck ~ Meter: 7.6.
O Lord! Thou now art seated, Above the heavens, on high, (The gracious work completed, For which Thou cam'st to die); To Thee our hearts are lifted, While pilgrims wandering here, For Thou alone art gifted Our every weight to bear. We know, Lord, Thou hast bought us, And washed us in Thy blood; We know Thy grace has brought us As kings and priests to God. We know that that blest morning, Long looked for, draweth near, When we, at Thy returning, In glory shall appear. O by Thy love constrain us, And fix our hearts on Thee; Let nothing henceforth pain us, But that which paineth Thee; Our joy, our blest endeavour, Through suffering, conflict, shame, To serve Thee, gracious Saviour, And magnify Thy name.